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Banner Ads For Your Business

Advertise with a banner ad on Need Help?
Create a Craze will make what you need

Your banner advertisement this size

$25.00 for 6 months
$40.00 for 12 months

Name of your business: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Your Website Address: www.- - - - -

Your e-mail contact address _ _ _ @ _ _ _ _

Detailed Description of your business:
.................. ................. ........... ...............
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When someone clicks on your website address or e-mail they are taken to you.

E-mail us How can we help you?
Choose which option you prefer below
$25.00 for 6 months
Save Money: $40.00 for 12 months
If you would like us to build your banner ad for you let us know. If you want to create your own banner ad that's ok too. We also offer full page advertisements for your business. Need help with anything contact us
Money back guarantee. If you are not happy with your banner ad we will refund your money.
We will help you


Website developed by Create a Craze
Racespace Is a registered trademark servicemark numbers:
1997: 2218629
2008: 3730715

Create-a-Craze is a registered trademark servicemark. 1994 - 2011
Create a Craze Registration number: 2220203
CREATE A CRAZE Registration number: 3751164 is a registered trademark servicemark Registration number: 4233828 October 2012

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